
14 Common Habits That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

14 Common Habits That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

If you type “how to lose weight” into a search engine, you’ll be bombarded with millions of results.  With such an abundance of weight loss advice at our fingertips, you’d think we’d all be sporting six-pack abs and trim waistlines.

Yet, according to recent health statistics, over 65% of adults in the United States are either overweight or obese—and countless others are struggling to shed those last stubborn 10 pounds.  So what gives?  Despite our best intentions, many of us unknowingly sabotage our weight loss efforts through everyday habits.

To help you achieve your health and fitness goals, we’ve compiled a list of 14 everyday habits that might hinder your progress.  Some of these may surprise you—they’re not all directly related to diet and exercise!

#1 Having an “all or nothing” mindset

Having an "all or nothing" mindset

One slip-up doesn't mean your entire diet is ruined.  This black-and-white thinking often leads to giving up entirely after a small setback.  Remember, it's about progress, not perfection.  If you overindulge in one meal, simply get back on track with your next one.

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14 Common Habits That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

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#2 Comparing your progress to others

Comparing your progress to others

Everyone's weight loss journey is unique.  Constantly comparing yourself to others can lead to discouragement and giving up.  Focus on your progress and celebrate your personal victories, no matter how small.

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14 Common Habits That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

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#3 Failing to plan meals

Failing to plan meals

Without a plan, it's easy to fall into the trap of impulsive eating or relying on fast food.  Take time each week to plan your meals and snacks.  This can help you make healthier choices and avoid last-minute decisions that derail your diet.

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14 Common Habits That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

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#4 Eating too quickly

Eating too quickly

In our rush to get through meals, we often eat too fast for our bodies to register fullness.  This can lead to overeating.  Try setting a timer for 20 minutes and pacing yourself to make the meal last that long.  You'll likely feel satisfied with less food.

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14 Common Habits That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

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#5 Relying on “diet” foods

Relying on "diet" foods

Just because a product is labeled "diet" or "low-fat" doesn't mean it's conducive to weight loss.  Many of these products compensate for taste by adding extra sugar or artificial ingredients.  Instead, focus on whole, minimally processed foods.

Here are 10 Healthy Dinner Recipes for Weight Loss

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14 Common Habits That Sabotage Your Weight Loss

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#6 Avoiding healthy fats

Avoiding healthy fats

Some people eliminate all fats from their diets to cut calories.  However, healthy fats are crucial for satiety and proper nutrient absorption.  Include healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil in your meals to help you feel fuller and more satisfied.

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#7 Stress snacking

Stress snacking

When stress hits, it's tempting to reach for comfort foods.  However, stress eating often leads to consuming excess calories, usually in the form of sugary or high-fat foods.  Instead, try stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or a short walk.

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#8 Skimping on sleep

Skimping on sleep

Burning the midnight oil might seem productive, but it could sabotage your weight loss efforts.  Lack of sleep disrupts hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, potentially leading to overeating.  Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your weight loss goals.

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#9 Neglecting strength training

Neglecting strength training

If your workout routine consists solely of cardio, you're missing out on the metabolism-boosting benefits of strength training.  Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so incorporating resistance exercises can help you burn more calories even when you're not working out.

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#10 Eating on autopilot

Eating on autopilot

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to wolf down meals without really tasting them.  This mindless eating often leads to overconsumption.  Try this: put your fork down between bites, chew thoroughly, and really savour your food.  You'll likely eat less and feel more satisfied.

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#11 Overloading on artificial sweeteners

Overloading on artificial sweeteners

Do you think you're making a healthier choice by using sugar-free alternatives?  Think again.  While calorie-free, artificial sweeteners can actually increase sugar cravings and potentially lead to overeating.  Studies suggest they may also alter gut bacteria to promote weight gain.  Try gradually reducing your sweetener intake, whether it's natural or artificial.

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#12 Hitting the snooze button

Hitting the snooze button

While it feels great, repeatedly hitting snooze can wreak havoc on your weight loss efforts.  Those extra minutes of fragmented sleep can disrupt your body's natural wake-up processes, leaving you groggy and more likely to skip your morning workout.  Plus, it can throw off your eating schedule, potentially leading to overeating later in the day.  Instead, try to maintain a consistent sleep-wake cycle, even on weekends.

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#13 Overestimating workout calories

Overestimating workout calories

It's great that you crushed that spin class, but be cautious about overcompensating with food.  Many people overestimate the calories they burn during exercise and consume more than they've expended.  Use a reliable fitness tracker to get a more accurate picture of your calorie burn.

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#14 Drinking your calories

Drinking your calories

Fancy coffee, smoothies, and alcoholic beverages can be silent calorie bombs. A single-flavored latte or happy hour cocktail can contain as many calories as a small meal.  Be mindful of liquid calories and opt for water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee most of the time.

By identifying and addressing these everyday habits, you'll be better equipped to overcome obstacles in your weight loss journey.  Sustainable weight loss is about making long-term lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.  Be patient with yourself, stay consistent, and you'll be on your way to reaching your goals.

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Written by Chelsey Novak

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