
20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home
20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Getting rid of Unnecessary Household stuff you don’t need can clear your mind and create a calming living space. However, professional organizer Allyson Cartwright recently went viral on TikTok sharing tips on what people should purge. Therefore, let’s dive into her top 20 recommendations for decluttering your house.

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Ditching Expired Beauty Products

First up, you should throw away all expired beauty products and makeup. Consequently, the reason is lotions and makeup can harbor harmful bacteria. Additionally, using expired items can lead to skin irritation. Thus, go through your beauty stash and toss what’s past its prime.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Clear Out the Medicine Cabinet Too

It is important to dispose of expired medicine properly. Moreover, this includes both prescription and-the-counter drugs. Definitely, clear out all expired medicine into the cabinet. Essentially, it’s just taking up your space.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household No More Junk Mail Piles!

We’ve all been there – mail keeps piling up on the counter, mostly useless flyers and old bills. Simultaneously, these just create clutter hotspots and visually overwhelm your living space. Ultimately, an empty countertop looks and feels so much better!

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Say Goodbye to Generic Greeting Cards

How many greeting cards do you have stuffed in drawers or boxes? Unless it’s a treasured keepsake from a loved one, generic store-bought cards serve no purpose once read. Specifically, the card conveyed its message – you don’t need to keep it. Finally, recycle or repurpose those bad boys!

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household Downsize Food Storage Containers

Most kitchens suffer from an overabundance of food storage containers and mismatched lids. Particularly, take everything out and sort through what you actually use regularly.

Equally important, any extras, lids without bottoms, or containers without lids can be donated or recycled. Essentially, keeping just what you need frees up valuable cabinet space.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household Stop Hoarding Product Packaging

We’re all guilty of holding onto boxes and packaging for various products, usually electronics or appliances. Additionally, unless there’s an active warranty or return situation, these bulky boxes serve zero purpose. Subsequently, take photos of any codes or info you might need, then break those containers down and recycle them.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household Get Rid of Ill-Fitting Clothes

One of the biggest sources of clutter is clothes that don’t currently fit. Definitely, holding onto them promotes unhealthy thinking and habits. Likewise, do yourself a favor and get rid of anything too small or too big.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household Purge That Expired Food

To be honest, when was the last time you actually went through all your pantry items and fridge contents? Expired, spoiled, or freezer-burned foods not only take up space but can attract pests and increase household waste.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household Too Many Towels? Downsize!

Unless you’re operating a hotel, chances are your linen closet contains way more towels than necessary. Specifically, two bath towel sets per bathroom are typically enough for most households. Equally important, any excess towels, especially older, worn, and stained ones, should be donated or replaced. Finally, free up that closet space!

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household Out With the Worn Undies!

One area where many people accumulate clutter is with old undergarments like socks and underwear. Particularly, make a point to cull out any with holes, stains, missing mates, or excessive pilling and fading. Then, restock with fresh, new items. Essentially, this simple decluttering gives your daily routine a little boost.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Unnecessary Household Ditch Countertop Appliance Clutter

From quesadilla makers to hot dog toasters, kitchen counters somehow become landing pads for every random appliance imaginable. However, do you really use that strawberry huller or egg cuber regularly? Nevertheless, be ruthless in eliminating any duplicates or tools only used annually. Simultaneously, donate what you can to streamline your cooking space.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Rehome Unneeded Luggage

Suitcases and travel bags seem to multiply like bunnies over the years. Conversely, realistically, how many roller bags and duffels does one household require? Additionally, anything worn out or inferior quality should be tossed. Ultimately, donate nicer luggage pieces you don’t use to charities that can rehome them with people in need.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Toss Cheap Plastic Garment Bags

Those flimsy plastic garment bags from the dry cleaner look wasteful and tacky. Moreover, even worse, they can trap gases that cause fabric discoloration over time.

Essentially, do your clothing a favor and ditch these in favor of breathable garment bags or cloth garment boxes for storage between wearings. Simultaneously, the environment and your closet will thank you!

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Upgrade From Wire Hangers

Similarly, those skinny little wire hangers from clothing stores and dry cleaners need to go. Specifically, they bend out of shape too easily, creating bulges and misshapen shoulders in garments. Ultimately, invest in some plush velvet or wooden hangers that better support the weight and drape of your clothes. Similarly, your closet will look so much more upscale!

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Untangle Cord Clutter

Over time, most households accumulate a baffling rat’s nest of random cables, cords, and chargers stuffed haphazardly into drawers. Additionally, many may be for obsolete devices or extras you simply don’t need.

Consequently, identify cords for current devices you use, gather the rest, and properly recycle them. Ultimately, this quick task eliminates majorly tangled messes.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Streamline Bed Linens

Overstuffed linen closets are usually the result of keeping way too many bedding sets. Specifically, a good rule is to have two sets maximum per bed in your household.

Additionally, any stray sets leftover from past living situations or mismatched pieces can likely be donated or tossed out. Essentially, streamlining creates an organized oasis

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Purge Redundant Kitchen Tools

From duplicate ladles to backup can openers you’ll never use, kitchen drawers can quickly become clutter zones. Particularly, take everything out and separate items by category.

Equally important, eliminate any redundant or unused tools, keeping only the necessities you reach for regularly. Ultimately, suddenly, prepping meals is so much easier!

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Rein In Your Pen Accumulation

Last but not least, who among us doesn’t have a gaggle of stray pens stashed in every corner and drawer? Simultaneously, grab them all up and do a test scribble. Consequently, quickly discard any dried-out, leaky, or off-brand pens.

Similarly, keep just your favorite 3-5 pens, stored neatly in one spot. Ultimately, no more ink-stained messes or hunting for a working pen!

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Old Magazines and Catalogs

Whether it’s months of unread magazine subscriptions or a towering pile of mail-order catalogs, these paper products can quickly accumulate into cluttered stacks. Additionally, unless you truly reference them regularly, these magazines and catalogs serve little purpose once read. Ultimately, recycle or donate older issues to create a clutter-free coffee table or entryway.

20 Unnecessary Household Items For A Clutter-Free Lovely Home

Excess Cleaning Supplies

From half-used bottles of cleaning sprays to redundant mop replacements, cleaning supply clutter is a common issue. Specifically, take stock of what you actually use regularly for household cleaning routines.

Equally important, any duplicates, tiny remnants, or supplies for chores you no longer do can be consolidated or tossed. Ultimately, this declutters your storage spaces while ensuring you have just what’s needed. house


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Written by Joshua Weiss

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