
7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

Rescued dogs often have incredible stories of survival and resilience. These animals, saved from dire situations like neglect, abuse, or abandonment, find a second chance at life through the compassion of rescuers. Not only do these dogs experience a transformative change, but their adoption also has a positive impact on the environment. By choosing to adopt rather than buy, people help reduce the demand for breeding and minimize overpopulation, which can strain local ecosystems. Each rescue contributes to a cycle of care, promoting the well-being of both animals and the world they live in.

Must read all the heart-wrenching stories in this article.

Source: Rescuepetsofinstagram

#1 Meet Zoey! ❤️

“I met Zoey at the Culpeper County Animal Shelter on May 25th, 2017 when I was 16. I was going through a really bad time, and my parents suggested getting a dog (huge pupper lover family). The only stipulation was for me to get a small dog because I lived with my granny. She was the only dog there. She was a little over a year old and nobody really knew her backstory. We couldn’t understand why she was there, and after meeting her and spending some time with her, I took her home for a mere $20. At first, my granny was upset because she was a big girl, but she quickly grew into her place in our family. It became apparent that Zoey had not had the best life. She was horrified of everything; the broom, hairbrushes; pretty much anything that could have been used to cause harm. She has a spot on her tail that we suspect was deliberately burned. After sharing so much time together, loving her, spoiling her, and giving her everything she wants (she’s very spoiled by momma), she is living her best life. She loves her car rides, being the center of attention, and is a pro at being derpy and cute. We just celebrated her 7th birthday on November 29th of this past year, 3 days after my granny passed. She is such a blessing, and even in the midst of such a tragedy, her love still shines as bright as it did when I met her in the midst of my darkness. She has been with me through so much in my life, and she is my entire world. Zoey saved me then, and still does every single day.

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7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

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#2 Meet Rudie! ❤️

“Hi! This is Rudie. I found him on the side of a busy road in Memphis, TN in February of 2013. He was covered in fleas and ticks, and had heartworms. I’d never had a dog before, but Rudie put his head in my lap, and I was a goner. I named him after the Clash song “Rudie Can’t Fail.” And indeed, he’s been the most sweet, faithful companion I could ask for. In his younger days, Rudie loved running free at Shelby Farms Outback, a 100-acre dog park in Memphis. Now, he’s running less and sleeping more, but he’s still enjoys daily walks and lots of treats. Thanks for letting me share my favorite guy!”

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7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

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#3 Meet Tallie! ❤️

“This is my rescue pup- Tallie. She was born in Oklahoma in an accidental litter. The man who owned her mom was going to “get ride of” all the puppies…luckily an amazing rescue organization stepped in and relocated the pups to the Seattle area to find their forever homes. At first Tallie was scared of everything, she wouldn’t even go potty. Over time as she became more comfortable with us and gained confidence she turned into quite an amazing dog!

I affectionately call her my “soul mutt”. She has shown me what unconditional love really is. Her and I are connected in a way I cannot explain in words. She is my light in the dark and I am forever thankful to Desiderata Rescue for saving my best friend ✨❤️

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7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

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#4 Meet Amethyst! ❤️

“Amethyst AKA Amie was found in the Third Ward of Houston, TX on her death bed. She had scabies, mange, heartworms, roundworms, severely emaciated and could barely open her eyes. I signed up to foster her at the time. The first vet we took her to wanted to put her down but we knew she was worth the fight. She had the sweetest demeanor and my husband and I fell head over heels quickly. We’ve now had her five years and she is completely healthy. She never grew back all of her hair, but she is a warrior and lives the best life now!

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7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

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#5 Meet Bo! ❤️

Meet Bo! ❤️

“Hi! Meet “Bo”

Bo is a 3 year old chocolate Labrador who was on the euth list in riverside county! When I saw his picture I knew I had to go down to see him. When I went down, he was so Petrified, he was shaking, had an accident and wouldn’t even come to me. I opened that door and went and sat with him until he got the courage to thistle sniff me! Fast forward to a year, he’s the BEST damn dog! Who ever surrendered him, I hope you see this post and know Bo is loved! I attached a before and after:) the bumble bee costume is his after photo! And yes if you must know he won the costume contest!!!

That second picture is the day I adopted him. You can clearly tell the difference!!

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7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

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#6 Meet Stewie! ❤️

“Meet the coolest pup in town. This is Stewie and he is a tripaw rescue pup in St. Pete, FL. He was rescued three years ago from Limbo Chihuahua Rescue just 5 weeks after his leg was amputated. He is now living his best life, wins Chihuahua races, and local costume contests. He is spoiled by his mom every day and he is her entire world. Stewie is almost 8 years young and we believe his best years are still very much to come! 

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7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

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#7 Meet Bucky! ❤️

“Hi! We adopted Bucky as a hospice patient and were told he had 4-6 weeks left to live. It has been 18 months!! And he’s thriving.

His background - he was living with someone who had developed health issues and kept him tied to furniture in the kitchen. We were told he had a heart murmur and heart disease and most likely gi cancer. He had no fat or muscle tone; barely could walk up our 2 front steps and couldn’t get on the couch.

It took 2 weeks to get him comfortable enough to sit or lay on the carpet or a blanket (he opted for the hard tile floor in kitchen). After 3 months he would finally nap on the couch and slowly started letting our other pup and cats get near him.

He does have a severe heart murmur with mitral valve disease but NO cancer. He regularly gets bloodwork checked, takes multiple meds a day to help with his heart and has put on muscle and fat. He can now jump up on the couch all by himself!

He has a loving home, filled with rescues, that he now enjoys snuggling and being groomed by our cats.“

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7 Dogs Who Were Rescued & Now Living A Happy Life

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Written by Nelson Adams

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