
70 Husband and Wife Questions – Can You Answer Them All

70 Husband and Wife Questions – Can You Answer Them All

A few months back, I shared a post about “Importance of Relationships and Connection” The response was overwhelming (in the best way possible!), and many readers requested an expanded version specifically for married couples. As someone who’s passionate about fostering connections through curiosity, I couldn’t resist the challenge!

Husband and Wife Questions

Now, let’s be clear – when it comes to husband and wife questions, I’m not trying to spark any marital disputes! Ha! This is all about having some lighthearted fun together. I’ve always been intrigued by how well people in our lives notice the small details about us.

When you’re sharing your life with someone, you’d think you’d be pretty clued in to what’s happening in their world, right? I’ve always found it fascinating to discover if my husband knows things about me that I’ve never explicitly told him. Just to be fair, I tested these questions out on him first before sharing them with you all.


I even got my husband to brainstorm some questions too! It was interesting to see what he came up with because they were things I hadn’t even considered. I’ve merged all of our husband and wife questions into one comprehensive list to make it easier for everyone to enjoy.

My goal is for you to have a blast with this post! I hope your kids (if you have them) will see you giggling and bantering with each other! I hope you’ll realize just how deeply you know and love each other through this little exercise.

#1 Husband and Wife Questions about Childhood and Family

Husband and Wife Questions about Childhood and Family

  1. What's your spouse's favorite childhood memory?

  2. What's your spouse's favorite childhood toy?

  3. What's your spouse's favorite family tradition?

  4. What's your spouse's favorite childhood game?

  5. What's your spouse's favorite family recipe?

  6. What's your spouse's favorite childhood cartoon?

  7. What's your spouse's favorite childhood snack?

  8. What's your spouse's favorite memory of their grandparents?

  9. What's your spouse's favorite childhood book?

  10. What's the one thing your spouse would change about their childhood if they could?

  11. What's your spouse's favorite family photo?

  12. What's your spouse's favorite childhood vacation memory?

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70 Husband and Wife Questions – Can You Answer Them All

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#2 Husband and Wife Questions about Preferences and Habits

Husband and Wife Questions about Preferences and Habits

  1. What's your spouse's go-to comfort food?

  2. What's the first thing your spouse does in the morning?

  3. What's your spouse's dream vacation destination?

  4. What's your spouse's biggest pet peeve?

  5. What's your spouse's favorite way to relax after a long day?

  6. What's the one household chore your spouse absolutely hates?

  7. What's your spouse's favorite season and why?

  8. What's your spouse's favorite book of all time?

  9. What's the one thing your spouse always forgets to do?

  10. What's your spouse's favorite movie quote?

  11. What's the one food your spouse absolutely refuses to eat?

  12. What's your spouse's favorite song to sing in the shower?

  13. What's your spouse's favorite way to spend a rainy day?

  14. What's the one thing your spouse always impulse buys?

  15. What's your spouse's favorite room in the house?

  16. What's your spouse's favorite holiday and why?

  17. What's your spouse's favorite way to exercise?

  18. What's the one thing your spouse always loses?

  19. What's your spouse's favorite smell?

  20. What's your spouse's favorite time of day?

  21. What's the one thing your spouse always procrastinates on?

  22. What's your spouse's favorite way to show affection?

  23. What's the one thing your spouse always overbuys at the grocery store?

  24. What's your spouse's favorite way to celebrate their birthday?

  25. What's your spouse's favorite way to spend a Sunday morning?

  26. What's the one thing your spouse always splurges on?

  27. What's your spouse's favorite way to unwind after a stressful day?

  28. What's your spouse's favorite way to start the day?

  29. What's your spouse's favorite way to end the day?

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70 Husband and Wife Questions – Can You Answer Them All

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#3 Husband and Wife Questions _Relationship and Shared Experiences

Husband and Wife Questions _Relationship and Shared Experiences

  1. What's the most thoughtful gift you've ever given your spouse?

  2. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to your spouse?

  3. What's the craziest thing you and your spouse have done together?

  4. What's the most romantic thing your spouse has ever done for you?

  5. What's the worst fashion choice your spouse has ever made?

  6. What's your spouse's favorite memory from your wedding day?

  7. What's the one thing that always makes your spouse laugh?

  8. What's the most adventurous thing your spouse wants to try?

  9. What's your spouse's favorite memory from your dating days?

  10. What's your spouse's favorite way to show they care?

  11. What's your spouse's favorite way to spend quality time with you?

  12. What's the one thing your spouse always does to make you smile?

  13. What's the one thing your spouse loves most about being married to you?

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70 Husband and Wife Questions – Can You Answer Them All

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#4 Husband and Wife Questions about Personal Growth and Aspirations

Husband and Wife Questions about Personal Growth and Aspirations

  1. What's your spouse's dream car?

  2. When your spouse is upset – what's the first thing they do?

  3. What's the one thing your spouse is incredibly talented at?

  4. What's the one thing your spouse is most proud of?

  5. What's the most unusual thing your spouse believes in?

  6. What's the one thing your spouse would change about their appearance if they could?

  7. What's the one thing your spouse always notices about other people?

  8. What's the one thing your spouse is most afraid of losing?

  9. What's your spouse's biggest fear?

  10. What's the one thing your spouse would save in a fire (assuming family and pets are safe)?

  11. What's the one thing your spouse would do if they won the lottery?

  12. What's the one thing your spouse would change about their job if they could?

  13. What's the one thing your spouse would love to learn if they had the time?

  14. What's the one thing your spouse always notices in a new place?

  15. What's the one thing your spouse always does when they're nervous?

  16. What's the one thing your spouse would love to invent if they could?

  17. What's the one thing your spouse would change about the world if they could?

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#5 Why I Love These Husband and Wife Questions

Why I Love These Husband and Wife Questions

Alright, there you have it – the ultimate list of 70 Husband and Wife Questions! How did you do? My husband and I gave it a shot and managed to nail about 80% of them! We found ourselves chuckling at some of the questions because we each had slightly different recollections of the same events.

I sincerely hope this brought a smile to your face and some laughter into your home. I simply wanted to share a fun activity that my husband and I enjoy together. And let me tell you – our kids (when they're around) get an even bigger kick out of it than we do! They start cheering for one of us and get all worked up when we don't know an answer right away!

Don't forget to carve out some quality time for you and your better half. I know we're all running around like crazy these days, juggling a million things at once, which makes it tough to slow down. We're being pulled in so many directions right now, but remember – the love you share is what's going to help you navigate these wild and unpredictable times.

So go ahead, grab your spouse, maybe pour a couple of drinks, and dive into these questions. You might be surprised at how much you learn about each other, even after all this time. And who knows? This little game might just spark some wonderful conversations and bring you even closer together. Happy questioning, lovebirds!

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70 Husband and Wife Questions – Can You Answer Them All

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Written by Chelsey Novak

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