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  • Which One is Better : AI Chatbots vs Human Customer Service Agents

    Which One is Better : AI Chatbots vs Human Customer Service Agents

    Which One is Better : AI Chatbots vs Human Customer Service Agents Despite both options aiming at giving clients a good experience; they are built on entirely different grounds. Chatbots work throughout without human intervention thanks to artificial intelligence which enables them understand and respond to customer queries. On the other hand, live chat connects […] More

  • 50 Scientific Breakthrough That Will Shake the World

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    50 Scientific Breakthrough That Will Shake the World

    When I was just a bright-eyed Scientific student, I remember my professor sharing some wild theories about potential future breakthroughs that made my jaw hit the floor. Things like regrowing human organs, reversing aging, and communicating with animals. Well, believe it or not, a lot of those “crazy” ideas are now approaching reality way sooner […] More