
I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into My World Through Abstract Paintings (25 Pics)

I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into My World Through Abstract Paintings (25 Pics)
I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into My World Through Abstract Paintings (25 Pics)

I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into My World Through Abstract Paintings

I am so excited to bring you into the magical world of AI created abstract art! Just to give
you some background: I have been working with these tools for a little while now and let
me tell ya, they are beyond captivating. You are about to see explosions of color, texture,
and form like never before!


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

I am so excited to bring you into the magical world of AI created abstract art! Just to give
you some background: I have been working with these tools for a little while now and let
me tell ya, they are beyond captivating. You are about to see explosions of color, texture,
and form like never before!


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

I’ve always found the deep sea to be very inspirational – there’s so much life down there
that we don’t even know about! Similarly, the artist conveyed this by using vibrant greens
and blues which could represent plants or corals but I think overall it feels more organic
and living; maybe like looking into a microscope at something

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I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into

There’s something about symmetrical shapes and fractals that I find completely
mesmerising. Likewise, this artwork does just that with neon pinks, oranges and purples
set against sharp angles created by pyramids intersecting each other; if you stare too long
they might even start moving. Additionally, the intersecting pyramids almost seem to
extend into higher spatial dimensions beyond our normal perception of reality. It
provokes a surreal, mind-bending awe.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into My World Through Abstract Paintings (25 Pics)

To me, this piece feels like a psychedelic stained glass window peering into the
subconscious mind. Lush organic shapes bleed and blur into geometric shards, with rich
tones of emerald, sapphire, and amethyst light glowing through. Furthermore, it has an
almost medieval, Gothic quality mixed with futuristic, abstract elements.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

The vast, infinite depths of space have always enthralled me. Similarly, in this piece,
those star-studded cosmic vistas blend with biological textures reminiscent of blossoming
plant life or undersea organisms. Deep blues swirl with accents of fiery reds and oranges,
conveying that eternal cycle of birth, growth, and transformation.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

There is something about this chunky pixel art style with its nostalgia for 80s childhood
that resonates deeply within me. However, rendered in vivid neon colorscapes, they take
on a surreal, psychedelic bent. These low-fi, abstract scenery evocations feel plucked
from the most wildly imaginative vintage video game worlds.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

The infinite, recursive patterns of fractals have always enthralled me, echoing the
intricately branching patterns found throughout nature. This piece captures those
autumnal, fiery arboreal vibes in mesmerizing looping motifs that seem to recur and scale
up infinitely. Consequently, it’s dizzying yet strangely serene.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

Looking at the drifting, almost opaline swirls of cosmic color conjures feelings of
breathtaking immensity. Yet peering closer, I start perceiving hints of vast atmospheric
realms and alien planetary surfaces emerging from the interstellar dust and glowing
radiation fields. It marries the grand, photon-sculpted vistas of deep space with the
signature surreal flourishes of earthly biology and landscape.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

Technology is usually meant to present a pristine, flawless view into digital realities and
virtual worlds. But I’ve always been drawn to the gorgeous imperfections that can emerge
– the happy accidents of datamoshing and coding errors refracting into glitchy,
otherworldly visuals. As a result, these scrolling, pulsing, tiled geometries are pure
audio/visual synaesthesia and glitch art reverie.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

There’s an ethereal, alien quality to the way the rainbow spectrum refracts and bends
across the shimmering, liquiform topographies. The metallic luster and soft brushstrokes
lend it an organic, almost living feel, while the bold neon glow channels electric currents
and electric biomorphic circuitry. In addition, this piece harmonizes the natural and the
synthetic into a singular chrome-plated iridescence.

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I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

There’s a palpable sense of standing at the precipice of a strange new world and
completely alien ecosystem in this artwork. I can almost feel the warm, viscous waters
lapping at my feet with their luminous neon hues and unfamiliar crests. Moreover,
glimpsing into those mirrored pools hints at fantastical terrains and unrecognizable life
forms just beneath the surface.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

With its interlaced, fibrous texture and soft iridescent luminescence, this piece evokes
ethereal weavings spun from the very dream-stuff of the universe. Those golden, rosy
filaments and delicate tendrils intermingle as if manifesting a sentient tapestry.
Furthermore, looking closely, wisps of ephemeral butterflies and blossoms almost seem
to materialize from the numinous eddies.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

Einstein’s groundbreaking discovery that gravity can distort space and time continues to
be an inspiration for both scientific and artistic creation. I have attempted in this work to
represent the vivid hallucinations which can occur when looking at very massive and
distant galaxies through gravitational lenses. Infrared colors have been used to give a
ghostly heat to the wild swirling eddies of light and energy.

#14I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

The hidden micro-universes and recursive patterns found within the miniature world of
pollen have always fascinated me. By zooming in on the fractal geometries found in this
seemingly mundane organic particle, we’re treated to entire biomorphic galaxies of
spiraling forms and vivid neon implosions. Tiny truly becomes breathtakingly cosmic art at
high enough magnification.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

The human brain’s electrochemical firings and neural pathways have long been a source
of wonder and inspiration. Consequently, in this piece, those synaptic bursts and
arborized signaling cascades are rendered in vivid strokes of phosphorescent pigment,
like bioluminescent electricity arcing through holographic bio-circuitry. The glowing
lines and concentric ripples evoke both the vast cosmic webs of galaxies and the
microscopic chaos of our own firing synapses.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors IntoMy World Through Abstract Paintings (25Pics)

With its drifting, almost auroral veils of luminous vapor, this piece conjures a mysterious,
unexplored alien atmosphere. Piercing upwards through those roiling maelstroms of
particulate and radiation, peculiar megastructures of indeterminate purpose and origin can
be glimpsed. Are they organic growths, constructed habitats, or artifacts of an
unfathomably advanced xenotechnology?


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

The prevailing theory of our Moon’s formation stems from the cataclysmic collision of
two protoplanets early in the Solar System’s history. Taking inspiration from that genesis
story’s dramatic imagery, this piece depicts the hypothetical ring systems and orbiting
debris fields that may have coalesced from that ancient cosmic smashup. Additionally,
the fractal patterns swirling in cosmic rays of orange and teal evoke the fiery crucible that
forged our world.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

Although invisible, the gravitational influence of dark matter is thought to outweigh all
other matter in the known universe. This piece tries visualizing those unseen tendrils
raking across the cosmos and distorting light and energy fields around them. The smoky,
inky blackness almost seems to claw outwards, surrounded by vivid nebulae leaking
chromatic fire through the gravitational rifts.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

There’s an innate poetry and organic dynamism to the murmurations of flocking starlings
dancing through the dusk skies. Likewise, by reimagining those fluid, swarming paths as
arcing filaments of electric neon force, this artwork evokes the unseen quantum flux and
ionic currents animating nature itself at a subatomic level. The flows of plasma become
flows of life in motion.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

Higher spatial dimensions are inherently challenging to depict or conceptualize from our
limited three-dimensional perspective. However, by weaving together repeating,
kaleidoscopic tesseracts (the 4D analogue of cubes) across mirrored, fractal-scaling
expanses, this piece gestures towards the hyperspatial echoverses and recursive Universes
nested within our own substrate reality.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

In Hindu and Buddhist AI art, deities are often depicted with ornate, cosmic headpieces
representing their divine transcendence beyond the material world. Similarly, this piece
taps into that evocative iconography, with the facial features emerging from wispy
interstellar clouds and star-flecked aurora borealis-like bands of radiant color.


I Have Used AI To Breathe Vibrant Colors Into
My World Through Abstract Paintings (25

For me, those interlocking shapes and mesmerizing symmetries evoke the visual
phenomenon of complex patterning you might see internally when entering a deep
meditative or trance-like mindset.

The Final Words

In this series of AI Art, human inventiveness combined with machine learning has created some
stunning examples of abstract AI art. Each one of these paintings is like no other; it’s a fabric
made from imaginations threads, vibrant and alive, that dares to challenge everything we
know about what can be seen or felt by man. And as you look at it, you are invited on an
inward journey through its color, texture, and feeling.

Throughout this collection, human creativity has been united with artificial
intelligence(AI) giving life to numerous fascinating abstract works. Each artwork exposes
the infinite potentials for wacky emotional pictures which blend human ingenuity with
artificial intelligence in a way only they can do.


What do you think?

Written by Joshua Weiss

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