
My beautiful Missy passed yesterday… 7 Real Life Emotional Stories

My beautiful Missy passed yesterday... 7 Real Life Emotional Stories

In life, we often carry scars that no one else can see, hidden beneath smiles and brave faces. Each day can feel like a battle, holding back the tears and fighting the memories of a pain so deep it feels like it might consume us. Yet, even in the darkest moments, there’s a quiet strength in surviving—an unspoken resilience that keeps us moving forward when everything else tells us to stop. It’s in these raw, unguarded moments where our true stories are written, where the weight of our heartache transforms into courage. Pain shapes us, but it never defines us.

#1 I attempted suicide 4 times in a week..

100 days ago I attempted suicide 4 times in a week and the last and final time I was so intoxicated and high I ended up in the hospital overdosed. I ended up staying in the hospital overnight when my father who committed suicide coming on 24 years ago came to visit me and told me he wasn’t ready for me to join him. Once I was released from the hospital I walked myself into an AA group and that’s when recovery began. I joined a home group and got a sponsor and began the steps of recovery. A week later my oldest son had called me to meet his son (my grandson) that I hadn’t seen yet. I went over and as soon as I walked in my little 10 month old grandson smiled at me and hugged me. I believe my father lives in him and my grandson knew who I was. Ever since then I am grateful to have my little star in my life and my dad is my higher power and I am grateful to be on this life long journey called recovery.

Credit: Sobriety Motivation

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My beautiful Missy passed yesterday... 7 Real Life Emotional Stories

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#2 A pastor transformed himself into a homeless person ….

A pastor transformed himself into a homeless person and went to the church that he was to be introduced as the head pastor at that morning. He walked around his soon to be church for 30 minutes while it was filling with people for service. Only 3 people said hello to him, most looked the other way. He asked people for change to buy food because he was hungry. Not one gave him anything.

He went into the sanctuary to sit down in the front of the church and was told by the ushers that he would need to get up and go sit in the back of the church. He said hello to people as they walked in but was greeted with cold stares and dirty looks from people looking down on him and judging him.

He sat in the back of the church and listened to the church announcements for the week. He listened as new visitors were welcomed into the church that morning but no one acknowledged that he was new. He watched people around him continue to look his way with stares that said you are not welcome here.

Then the elders of the church went to the podium to make the announcement. They said they were excited to introduce the new pastor of the church to the congregation. "We would like to introduce you to our new Pastor." The congregation stood up and looked around clapping with joy and anticipation. The homeless man sitting in the back stood up and started walking down the aisle.

That's when all the clapping stopped and the church was silent. With all eyes on him, he walked up to the altar and reached for the microphone. He stood there for a moment and then recited so elegantly, a verse from the bible.

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’“

Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me.’

After he recited this, he introduced himself as their new pastor and told the congregation what he had experienced that morning. Many began to cry and bow their heads in shame.

"Today I see a gathering of people here but I do not see a church of Jesus. The world has enough people that look the other way. What the world needs is disciples of Jesus that can follow this teachings and live as he did. When will YOU decide to become disciples?”

He then dismissed service until the following Sunday as his sermon had been given.

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My beautiful Missy passed yesterday... 7 Real Life Emotional Stories

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#3 Jack Flaherty was adopted at 3 weeks old…..

"Jack Flaherty was adopted at 3 weeks old. He ended up being raised by a single Mother. He wanted to quit baseball his Freshman year. His Mom told him she understood and he could, as long as he told his younger brother that when things get tough it's OK to quit. Jack went to practice the next day.

Now Jack will be pitching in the NLCS with his Mother watching. This was them last night after his 6 inning start. Before going in the clubhouse. Before popping champagne with his teammates. Before talking to the dozens of worldwide sports networks begging him for his ego and attention.

He went to see Mom first.”

Credit: Bryant Hileman and Project Pomona

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My beautiful Missy passed yesterday... 7 Real Life Emotional Stories

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#4 How much do you sell your eggs for?

A Lady asked an old street vendor: "How much do you sell your eggs for?" The old man replied "0.50¢ an egg, madam.” The Lady respond, “I'll take 6 eggs for $2.00 or I'm leaving.” The old salesman replied, “Buy them at the price you want, Madam. This is a good start for me because I haven't sold a single egg today and I need this to live.”

She bought her eggs at a bargain price and left with the feeling that she had won. She got into her fancy car and went to a fancy restaurant with her friend. She and her friend ordered what they wanted. They ate a little and left a lot of what they had asked for. So they paid the bill, which was $150. The ladies gave $200 and told the fancy restaurant owner to keep the change as a tip.

This story might seem quite normal to the owner of the fancy restaurant, but very unfair to the egg seller. The question it raises is;

Why do we always need to show that we have power when we buy from the needy?

And why are we generous to those who don't even need our generosity?

We once read somewhere that a father used to buy goods from poor people at a high price, even though he didn't need the things. Sometimes he paid more for them. His children were amazed. One day they asked him "why are you doing this dad?" The father replied: "It's charity wrapped in dignity.”

I know that most of you will not share this message, but if you are one of the people who have taken the time to read this far...

Then this message of attempted "humanisation" will have gone one step further in the right direction.

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My beautiful Missy passed yesterday... 7 Real Life Emotional Stories

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#5 The Age of Innocence….

"I had been on assignment at a Detroit Montessori school for two days, and shot hundreds of photos. Some were very good, but I knew I hadn't gotten THE shot. That afternoon, as we all sat on the floor in a circle listening to a story, I bowed my head. When I raised my head, this little girl leaned over to lay her head on the little boy's lap. He very gently lifted his arm to receive her. I call this photo '

The Age of Innocence."

Credit: Marco Mancinelli

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My beautiful Missy passed yesterday... 7 Real Life Emotional Stories

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#6 Today I adopted a human….

Today I adopted a human. It broke my heart to see him so lonely and confused. And suddenly I got her teary eyes to meet mine. I don't like the smell of sad. I wanted to jump on him so bad. He spoke to me with cuteness and I knew it, I had to rescue him!, that human needed me. So I bark with all my strength, I followed him blocks and blocks.

I got close, I could smell his hands. The human smiled for an instant and when he took me in his arms, I started to feel his ice cream heart warmed. I approached his cheeks and felt a tear roll on them. I looked at him deeply and his response was a brilliant smile. I jumped excited into his arms, I promised to behave, love him forever and never part with his side.

How lucky he was to go through that block, down that street and I feel lucky too.

There were so many people walking around and no one was looking at me. All worried, all in their troubles. Glad no one else chose me Today I saved a life. Today I adopted a human”  

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#7 My beautiful Missy passed yesterday…

My beautiful Missy passed yesterday, I'm so broken I did not know she had cancer. This weekend I noticed she wasn't herself then on Sunday night she started vomiting and Monday after I dropped my daughter off at school I came home she was white gum she was not herself and she had started going cold. I rushed her to the hospital they did blood found out her organs were shutting down we did a scan and saw too many lumps inside. Holding her in my arms apologizing to her broke me those little eyes just looked back at me with such love. She put her head on my chest and held me. My little girl has gone I know shes in a better place but it hurts like hell my insides are sore my eyes wont stop crying I can't breathe. I miss you terribly Missy. Forever xx

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Written by Nelson Adams

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