Steam Rising from Woman's Head Menopause Awareness and Empathy (20/20)

As Monique’s video reached more and more people on social media, it had the unintentional effect of increasing awareness about menopause and its uncomfortable effects, such as hot flashes, on women.

“I gotta call my mom and apologize for making fun of her,” one viewer wrote, to which Monique responded: “Please do.”

“Wait, is this for real? I’ve never seen this before,” a female user said. “Oh, just you wait, my sweet summer child. It’ll happen to you, too,” another replied.

“I feel like I needed to see this to prepare,” said one viewer.

“This should be in the menopausal handbook, so they know what we’re going through!”

Bored Panda has contacted Tracey Monique for comment.

“Every man needs to see this,” wrote one user, as others joined in to raise awareness about the effects of menopause

What do you think?

Written by Jason J

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Steam Rising from Woman's Head Menopause Awareness and Empathy (19/20)

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