I think a lot of guys don’t really get how if you act like an additional child to be taken care of at home then this is going to have a direct, deeply negative impact on whether your partner sees you as a f**kable competent adult down the line.
Read: this generally means doing your fair share of housework as another adult in the same household without your partner having to act as your manager. If you’ve been living here for 5+ years and the house isn’t huge, you should generally have an idea of where xyz household item typically gets stored or how to do the laundry. That isn’t to say that suddenly doing the chores will fix all your relationship problems, but it’s generally a good idea to be like this from the beginning and be consistent.
This probably isn’t that gendered irl but you see this crop up a lot in hetero relationships where somehow the gf has wound up doing most housework, childcare *and* also works full time and the dude maybe mows the lawn once a week or “does household projects” that somehow never actually get completed.
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