Chuck Liddell and Jayden James (8/15)

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Chuck Liddell and Jayden James

Former UFC light-heavyweight champion Chuck Liddell was in a relationship with Jayden James in 2009. Rumors started when the two were spotted partying together in a strip club and Chuck broke up with his fiancée Erin Wilson soon after, although Chuck claims that the sighting was not the cause of the breakup. After the relationship ended, Chuck claimed that Jayden had used him for his fame in order to advance her career. At the beginning of that year, Jayden, MLB pitcher Brad Penny, and Chuck were partying in Mexico and Jayden posted photos of it all over the internet and made a YouTube video with a monologue describing her time with the high-profile athletes in Mexico. Chuck called her and told her to take the photos down, but she didn’t, which was an indication of her true priorities. Sometimes celebrities who have dated porn stars have actually been manipulated from the start!

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Written by John Wilson

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