Meet Bucky! ❤️ (7/7)

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“Hi! We adopted Bucky as a hospice patient and were told he had 4-6 weeks left to live. It has been 18 months!! And he’s thriving.

His background – he was living with someone who had developed health issues and kept him tied to furniture in the kitchen. We were told he had a heart murmur and heart disease and most likely gi cancer. He had no fat or muscle tone; barely could walk up our 2 front steps and couldn’t get on the couch.

It took 2 weeks to get him comfortable enough to sit or lay on the carpet or a blanket (he opted for the hard tile floor in kitchen). After 3 months he would finally nap on the couch and slowly started letting our other pup and cats get near him.

He does have a severe heart murmur with mitral valve disease but NO cancer. He regularly gets bloodwork checked, takes multiple meds a day to help with his heart and has put on muscle and fat. He can now jump up on the couch all by himself!

He has a loving home, filled with rescues, that he now enjoys snuggling and being groomed by our cats.“

What do you think?

Written by Nelson Adams

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Meet Stewie! ❤️

Meet Stewie! ❤️ (6/7)


Plank (1/7)