Meet Tallie! ❤️ (3/7)

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“This is my rescue pup- Tallie. She was born in Oklahoma in an accidental litter. The man who owned her mom was going to “get ride of” all the puppies…luckily an amazing rescue organization stepped in and relocated the pups to the Seattle area to find their forever homes. At first Tallie was scared of everything, she wouldn’t even go potty. Over time as she became more comfortable with us and gained confidence she turned into quite an amazing dog!

I affectionately call her my “soul mutt”. She has shown me what unconditional love really is. Her and I are connected in a way I cannot explain in words. She is my light in the dark and I am forever thankful to Desiderata Rescue for saving my best friend ✨❤️

What do you think?

Written by Nelson Adams

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