Step 2: Extra Exfoliation (2/5)

Exfoliating has always been part of my skincare routine, but I recently upped my game. Now, instead of exfoliating once a week, I’ve switched to using a gentle glycolic acid toner every other night. Don’t worry, this isn’t a harsh peel that leaves my skin red or raw. It’s just a 7% glycolic acid toner—gentle but effective.

I use it only at night, and only every other day. On the “off” days, I let my skin rest and hydrate. This gentle exfoliation helps keep my pores clear, smooths out any rough spots, and gives my skin that lovely, polished glow. If you’re just starting out with acids, go slow and see how your skin reacts. For me, this every-other-day schedule has been a sweet spot.

What do you think?

Written by Chelsey Novak

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Step 1: Extra Cleansing

Step 1: Extra Cleansing (1/5)

Step 3: A Little Bit of Vitamin C Magic

Step 3: A Little Bit of Vitamin C Magic (3/5)