“You know what makes me feel incredible and not super angry at all?” (2/20)

“You know what makes me feel incredible and not super angry at all?”

“The way that over two years ago, I went to a doctor and I said, I am tired all the time and something is wrong. And he said, ‘You just need to lose some weight.’ And I tried to tell him about how it wasn’t just regular sleepiness. It was like excessive sleepiness to the point where when it happened, I needed to lay down immediately cause I was going down one way or another. And he once again was like ‘Yep, it’s just because you’re overweight.’”

What do you think?

Written by Jason J

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Glad I Have My Life Back Now Doctor Doesn’t Take Woman’s Worry Seriously While It Ruins Her Life (1/20)

“At the same doctor’s appointment I told him about how my foot goes numb when I run. And he said, ‘Have you tried thinking about it less?'”

“At the same doctor’s appointment I told him about how my foot goes numb when I run. And he said, ‘Have you tried thinking about it less?’” (3/20)