
Young Sheldon’s Heartbreaking Final Season

Young Sheldon
Young Sheldon

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Ever since Young Sheldon first began

there were hints that this really tragic thing would happen one day. We learned from The Big Bang Theory that Sheldon’s father died when the super smart kid genius was only 14 years old. And now in the final season, Sheldon is that exact age, so the sad time has sadly come.

Young Sheldon

On May 9th, 2024

The CBS channel will air two Young Sheldon episodes one right after the other. This starts the bunch of final episodes before the big series finale ends on May 16th.

There will only be six final episodes total over those last two weeks. This last season is so short with just 14 episodes because of the writers’ strike that happened. Fans have wondered a lot if they will show George Sr’s death happening in these last episodes. From what we learned in The Big Bang Theory, that’s when it’s supposed to take place.

Young Sheldon's Heartbreaking Final Season

But the showrunner, Steve Holland

Steve Holland has said the tragic moment of George’s death itself won’t be directly shown. The writers always planned to have it happen off-screen, without letting viewers see the actual sad event. “We knew we would get to the funeral this season,” Holland explained in simple words. “But we knew viewers wouldn’t witness George’s death, because we didn’t want it to be too sad.”

Young Sheldon's Heartbreaking Final Season

The goal is to keep Young Sheldon’s positive, happy tone all the way until the end. Instead of showing the terribly sad death, the focus will be more on how the Cooper family struggles after this devastating loss of their dad.

While everyone knew George’s death had to happen at some point

The writers still wanted to surprise fans with exactly when it would occur during the season’s storyline.  

Young Sheldon's Heartbreaking Final Season

According to Holland, George will pass away at the very end of the 12th episode out of the 14 total episodes. This is meant to catch some viewers off-guard who may have expected it to happen in the very final episode.

“We thought, even though fans know it’s coming eventually, maybe they won’t expect it to happen at that exact moment,” the producer explained. “We wanted to surprise people a little with the timing.”

Young Sheldon's Heartbreaking Final Season

The reason for putting it in this specific episode is to avoid leaving audiences super duper sad during the actual finale. Instead, the last two episodes will show how the Cooper family tries to move on and rebuild their lives without their dad around anymore.

Throughout writing this very emotional final season

The Young Sheldon team worked extremely hard to make sure they followed all the storyline details that had already been set up in The Big Bang Theory.

Young Sheldon's Heartbreaking Final Season

Not only did they have to get George Sr’s age at death correct based on that show, which was 14 years old for Sheldon, but they made sure Sheldon’s journey to eventually study at the big university Caltech right after was shown accurately too.

“We knew Sheldon was 14 when it happened, and that right after

He went away to Caltech while his brother Georgie and the rest of the family stayed home grieving,” said Holland, explaining the few firm facts they absolutely had to get right.


What do you think?

Written by Joshua Weiss

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